More Cleanup
We went in to campus again on Friday to push around the furniture and finish cleaning the messy spots. By lunch time, I had room 105 looking good enough to hold a class in--although I'd like to do some more work on the walls. We could at least walk in tomorrow and start a class without too much distraction, which is a huge improvement to where I left it last time. I also brought in my drill and moved some of the pegboards from wall to wall in order to make more space for a larger white board. After lunch I went to the local hardware store and picked up an 8' by 4' piece of thin plywood to turn into a whiteboard extension. I just can't work with that small white board up front--I need more space to work problems and have students work, etc. We ordered some rolls of the whiteboard paper to stick to the plywood and then mount on the front wall. It may look slightly "low-cost" but it will at least allow me to post up the required things like objectives and standards. Then I can use the "real" whiteboard for student work and examples everyday.The pegboards still need paper and boarders. That's on order and should arrive Monday. We'll have an orange and black theme in the room. I hope the students don't get too bored of seeing every teacher post the orange and black colors all over.
The next task on my list is to really get down to the details on my 12 Angry Men project idea. I'm going to create a couple just to see where the potential snags are. Of course, I don't want to take away too much of the fun from the students creating this project themselves. No spoilers here, I'm going to keep this project a secret for a little while longer so I won't go into any details on it in this post.
Blog Focus
Speaking of this (and previous) blog posts, once school starts I want to use this blog primarily for student work so I'm looking at other teacher's sites and blogs to get some direction on this. For now, however, you will see posts about the classroom and other posts focused on me. This is not because I want to be stuck on myself--I do want to get into the habit of posting on a regular basis, so if there is no student work then I will post just to keep the habit up. Also, if there is no student work, you should contact me and bug me about when I'm going to give the students their assignment for the blog.
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