Tuesday, March 31, 2015

VPEF Grant Thank Yous from My Class

Typing our essays on student desktop,
Chromebook, and hand written.
Earlier this school year, I applied for and was granted some generous funds for my classroom.  We were able to acquire two more Chromebook laptops to bring my class's grand total of available student computers up to seven (or sometimes eight or nine depending on the old ones working properly that day!).  In all, we have five Chromebooks now and those are nice for the students to use due to their speed and since my district set me up with google Classroom this semester.  So overall, this grant has had a large impact on my classes.
Working on a Slide Presentation for
Speaking and Listening Standards

I asked my students to write thank you notes to the Vacaville Public Education Foundation which granted the funds.  It was not lost on them what kind of impact these added computers had for our class and I'm sharing a
Part of our class writing essays.
handful of their notes here. Here's one below, and links to some more from the class.

Here are some of the projects we worked on using these computers this year:

Starting my first google Classrooms.
For the writing assignments, I was able to use google Classroom thanks to +Dawn Marsh at the district office who set up my classes as part of the pilot this semester!

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