I didn't split these by class period or anything, although I think for next year I'll take the trouble to make a different form for separate classes to get a better idea. This will be really important for me next year since I'll be co-teaching with two different teachers and teaching 4 different subjects. I'm excited for the challenge.
- I felt challenged by this class: 41% neutral
- I felt like Mr. Hyland respected me: 46% agree
- I felt like Mr. Hyland gave me useful feedback: 70% agree
- I felt like Mr. Hyland was fair: 63% agree
- Mr. Hyland had high expectations of me: 50% agree
- I tried my hardest to do my best in class: 37% each (tie) strongly agree and agree
- My grades reflected the quality of my work: 52% agree
- Mr. Hyland encouraged me to do my best: 43% agree
- I felt safe in Mr. Hyland's class: 54% agree
- The class was well organized: 59% agree
- I enjoyed being in this class: 41% agree
- I always followed Mr. Hyland's instructions: 41% neutral
I also had 5 short answer questions where students could type a response. Some did not, and others made what seemed like sarcastic comments (hard to tell if they were serious). However, there are some gold nuggets that told me what I needed to hear from students (that's the point after all!). Many of these comments referred to our penultimate activity--watching Star Wars after a series of lessons on the Hero's Journey, so if you follow the link below and scan those comments, you'll note some fanboys.
I also co-teach one period, so I included my co-teacher and co-teach class on the questionnaire. You'll see her name in there as well. Here's the link to my full results, and--as un-scientific as they are--I'm proud of them this year. I always have plenty of room to improve. My goals for next year include inching forward on tech integration in my classroom lessons.
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